

Things You Should Know About Your AC

An air conditioning unit, just like other electrical appliances, requires regular services for efficient cooling. The professional teams of leading HVAC companies help you understand your unit’s mechanics and components, identify early trouble signs, and help you invest in a more cost-effective and environmentally-friendly air conditioner.

Components In An Air Conditioning Unit:

  • Compressor: It helps convert gas into a liquid, which helps in cooling.
  • Thermal Expansion Valve: It helps regulate the liquid formed during the compression process.
  • Condenser: Its function is to bring back the hot gas vented outside and convert the refrigerant into a liquid state.
  • Thermostat: It is used to adjust the temperature setting and conditioning of your AC Unit.
  • Evaporator: The part that receives the liquid refrigerant and facilitates heat transfer.
  • Air Filter: It prevents dust and debris from entering the HVAC system to ensure good quality air is circulated.
  • Refrigerant: It is the cooling chemical that is circulated through the HVAC System.
  • Evaporation Coil: It helps extract the heat and humidity from the air and helps in air conditioning.
  • Condenser Coil: It helps absorb the hot air circulating in the HVAC systems.
  • Fan: It is found in the outdoor unit, and it helps release the hot air from the condenser coil to the outside.

Common Issues And Service In An Air Conditioning Unit

Cooling Inefficiency:

If you are facing issues related to the cooling efficiency of your Air conditioner installation cold spring, start by cleaning your air filter and the outdoor compressor using a brush and water. Always Turn off the power first. If the issue persists, book a service appointment today.

Ice Or Frost Formation Over The Components Of The HVAC System:

Ice and frost are general signs of compressor and fan failure. It will affect the cooling efficiency of the AC Unit. one easy solution is cleaning your filters. If cleaning does not help, consider replacing your filter.

Setting The Thermostat Value Below 70 Degrees:

Your thermostat will require maximum energy demand if you set it at a difference of more than 20 degrees from the outside temperature. This will burden other components and eventually lead to ice formation.

Do Not Cover The Outside Unit:

The fan and the blower air must have free access outside for efficient functioning. Do not cover the outside unit and trim any plants near it as they can obstruct the airflow.

Refrigerant Leak:

If you have a refrigerant leak and are facing issues with the cooling of the HVAC, call your service manager today and look for the leaks that can be located either in the indoor or the outdoor unit. Some leaks are repairable, whereas some are not.

Energy Efficiency Rating (EER) Of Your HVAC System:

It is used to denote the energy ranking of an HVAC system that can be found on your ac units energy label. It is calculated using the rate of cooling produced divided by the energy consumed. High EER denotes an HVAC system’s maximum energy efficiency, which makes it cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

As a homeowner of an Air conditioning unit, one should be familiar with the components and common troubleshooting. Regular air conditioner service Richmond helps increase the lifespan of the AC Unit, and investing in the HVAC system with a higher EER rating, can reduce the energy consumption and overall bill generated by up to 50%. Contact us and book your service appointment today.

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